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  3. 如何在阿里云上购买国外主机?




Step-by-Step Guide to Purchase Foreign Host on Alibaba Cloud

With the booming global business environment, many companies are expanding their horizons to encompass international dealings. As a result, the need for foreign hosting services has risen manifold. Alibaba Cloud, one of the leading cloud computing platforms in China, offers a hassle-free process of purchasing foreign hosting services. Below is a step-by-step guide on how to buy foreign hosting on Alibaba Cloud:

Step 1: Sign up for an Alibaba Cloud Account

First and foremost, you have to sign up for an Alibaba Cloud account. Simply, visit the Alibaba Cloud website and click ‘Sign in’ in the upper right corner. Enter your email address, mobile number, and create a password to register your account. Once done, log in to your account.

Step 2: Go to the ‘International Site’

Once logged in, change your region and navigate to the ‘International Site’. This is done by clicking the ‘Region’ button at the top right corner of the webpage and selecting ‘International’ from the drop-down menu.

Step 3: Select ‘ECS’ from the sidebar

After selecting ‘International’, navigate to the sidebar and select ‘ECS’ under ‘Products’.

Step 4: Configure and set up your ECS instance

Click the ‘Create Instance’ button to configure and set up your ECS instance. Select the location, instance type, and preferred OS from the given options.

Step 5: Configure your network settings

After configuring the instance, you will be led to the ‘Networking’ settings. Select ‘VPC’ as your network type, input a network CIDR block, and select ‘Automatically Create NAT Gateway’ and click the ‘Next’ button.

Step 6: Confirm and complete purchase

Review your purchase details, select additional services if needed, input the payment method, and confirm to complete the purchase process.

Contact Alibaba Cloud’s Support Team

If you face any difficulty purchasing foreign hosting services on Alibaba Cloud, contact their support team. Highly trained and experienced support personnel are available 24/7 to assist their customers.

  • 阿里云账户注册
  • 访问“国际站”
  • 选择“ECS”产品
  • 配置和设置ECS实例
  • 配置网络设置
  • 确认和完成购买
  • 与阿里云的支持团队联系


STEP 1:注册阿里云账户

STEP 2:访问“国际站”

STEP 3:在侧边栏中选择“ECS”

STEP 4:配置和设置ECS实例

STEP 5:配置网络设置

STEP 6:确认和完成购买

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